Sabintern - Passion and dispassion - face of self-leadership

Sabintern - Passion and dispassion - face of self-leadership

Self-leadership is often closely associated with Self-motivation. They are even used synonymously. More succinctly, It is the process with which you push yourself to achieve your objectives and goals. In other words, it is a practice to intentionally influence your actions towards your goals. Now how does one bring about the changes in order to practice self-leadership and build team leader qualities? For becoming a self-leader and motivator one should practice self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-efficacy. Self-awareness is about knowing what you stand for and having a placid idea about your values. A self-leader stops and steps back from trigger situations that call for a reaction. For a self-leader, his or her intention is of utmost importance. Intention defines a self-leader. A self-leader evaluates the outcomes in order to influence results. But above all, there is another key aspect that plays a very important role in the making of self-leaders, i.e, Passion. 


Passion is the drive to get what we have on the inside to the outside. It is the invisible force that leads a person to be relentless, determined, and efficacious and lack of this quality is one of the reasons that’s preventing India’s youth from entrepreneurship. On looking closely, these team leader qualities are the characteristics of a good leader. Now, it is no coincidence. A good leader is one who is passionate about the goal he or she wants to pursue. The actions of a good leader and motivator are fueled by passion and thus that motivates him or her to see

further than what others can see. It motivates him or her to work more than others. But what makes a good leader great? When a leader is able to spread his passion to his followers too. For eg, In cricket, if the captain is passionate then he is a good leader. But if he is able to inspire his teammates too, then he is a great leader. 


In hindsight, not every situation calls for a passionate approach. Suppose your aim is to earn money, then if you follow that passionately and push yourself, you might end up taking improper ways. Sometimes being dispassionate is the key. Dispassionate is being in a state of lack of emotions or involvement. Dispassion is relatively hard to follow because we need to have dispassion for things that are naturally attractive to us, eg. money, sweets, etc. This is because following these things passionately will be harmful to us. This is the choice that a leader has to make. Self-leadership also talks about the same choices. What will be necessary to achieve the goal? Is it to follow the goal passionately or is it to follow the goal dispassionately? Passion and dispassion are two sides of the same coin when discussed. But both can not be used interchangeably. Both kinds of approaches are tailored for some specific scenarios. 

It is about taking responsibility and commitment. It is a lifestyle that one chooses to follow. It is not always easy to be able to change your actions to suit your goal. Being a self-leader is a tough choice to make, however, it makes a good leader great and a great team player.



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Sachin Chauhan

Authored by
Sachin Chauhan



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