Does life get easier after you get hired by Google, Facebook, Microsoft or Amazon?

Does life get easier after you get hired by Google, Facebook, Microsoft or Amazon?

Working for a top tech company is many people’s dream. Out of the five most-attractive employers for business graduates, three are tech firms, according to a survey conducted by Universum in 2017. Google is at the top, Apple is at No. 3, and Amazon at No. 5. Based on the observations and considering how fast these companies are growing and changing every year, a lot of candidates aspire easy lives ahead. What does a real easy life mean? Does it mean money? But for a person who has enough to shop daily in luxury brands but surrounded by dumb minds, can money make any difference? So easy life means surrounded by intellectual people? But all intellectual people but no one willing to work or no great reward for your hard work, can greatly work environment make your life easier? No, the answer is “no”. We cannot judge the easiness of life on just general things. The most major things these companies exceptionally offer:

High Salary

Money is never enough, though it may not the only factor that decides happiness its importance is neither less. It may not buy happiness but definitely can make you feel like a queen if you can do anything you want without getting concerned about its price tag. If you get into good universities, your first choice is google, amazon, etc. Software engineers straight out of college often make six-figure salaries, not counting equity compensation. Depending on seniority, some coders make millions of dollars per year. But where on that spectrum any given engineer lands often depend on a single number -- what’s often called a “level.”

At Google, for example, entry-level engineers start at Level 3. Apple has five levels for engineers, from ICT2 up to ICT6. Microsoft’s system starts at 59 for a software development engineer and goes up to 80 for a “technical fellow,” or one of the leaders of their given field.

The higher your level is, the higher your compensation — and employer realizes that their peers had a lot of questions about how the levels worked. If a Level 4 at Google gets a new job at Facebook, what level should they be? If someone gets promoted to ICT3 at Apple, how much should they make? A lot.

They never really think about their spending choices. But does this conclude anything? The pay may be beneficial in terms of allowing you to get by more comfortably, although money only goes a long enough way and in the end may actually cause more problems than you would desire. You need to ask yourself:

  • Are you getting paid your worth?

  • Is the salary beneficial for covering the cost of living in the area? 

  • Do you feel like the more you’d earn the happier you’d be, or are you past the point of diminishing returns?

Job sphere:

These companies are successful and stay on top because they hire smart hard-working people to innovate their existing products, break into new industries, and/or solve very complicated problems. If you’re someone who takes pride in how they perform at work then expect there to be many hardships you’ll face when you get hired by one of these companies. Getting a job at these companies does not automatically mean you will succeed. For example, Amazon is very demanding and often sheer hard work, an intentional philosophy. Life will not get easier there, but you will be provided with some growth opportunities and the chance to forge your own career that is unusual in the contemporary American workforce. Responsibility is thrust upon you and given the freedom to manage it through your own initiative.

And although these companies are huge, there is no floating under the radar. Hiring managers have to fight hard for their headcount and are rightfully picky on who they bring on board. If you’re underperforming, management will let you know during your annual review. So in that sense, no, life does not get easier.

However, if you embrace the challenges you run into at these companies I’m confident you will come out the other end a much wiser and skilled worker. So in that sense, I would expect life after putting in a significant amount of time at these companies does get a little easier.

If you hate commuting, business meetings and travels, corporate politics, having a boss, having all your income coming from a single source, living in an environment that is too predictable, and having your free speech controlled, then there are better alternatives. The main alternative is to create your company or use your intelligence to identify and arbitrage/hack into systems that can be arbitraged. You might be on your own (and outside of any payroll), but you still need to be very street-smart and creative.

So before getting into something you need to ask yourself:

  • Are you being challenged enough on a daily/weekly/monthly basis, or do you feel like your performance is plateauing and you’re just ‘getting by’?

  • Are the environment and atmosphere inspiring or viscous? Are you and your contributions being recognized and are you/they appreciated?

Perks and work-life balance

The perks are amazing. You will get everything to make your life good at work and secure. Medical policies, investment policies or extra perks like discounts extra are offered by the companies as a reward to keep the employees stick to the companies for long. It’s hard to manage work-life balance but people who love challenges also conquers this balance.

So you need to see if - the job offers a company car, medical insurance, a gym membership or other fringe benefits that could boost your morale within the job?


For things related to a normal human being's life. Yes, as a human, there are some basic needs, food, housing and health care. , etc. On those regards, life does get easier. You don't need to pay huge attention to the price tags in the grocery store anymore; You don't need to be afraid to go to the hospital when you are uncomfortable. Something like those, life gets easier. That rush and satisfaction, of getting recognized by the CEO or the CTO are amazing. These top-tier firms are pretty big, fewer opportunities to shine on your own.

With no doubt, these companies give you enough money and reasons to work and stay with them for long but they also have various cons like:

  • Too many meetings, slow decision making, etc.

  • At times you do lose sight of what is important. 

To sum up, it does not matter where you work, how much money you make, the titles you may have. The feeling about the word “hard” will always be there. This kind of feeling is real for everyone and always be there. The most important thing is to learn how to handle the hardships, obstacles in life. It is way harder than getting into those companies and by the way more important in life

Life never ever gets easier. It's like solving a question paper - every time you turn the page, you find more difficult questions waiting ahead. But in the end, what counts in is how you do the entire paper, not how well you answered questions individually. It all depends on your priorities and what is your definition of an easy life.

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Sachin Chauhan

Authored by
Sachin Chauhan



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