Human Approaches to Crisis Time Management

Human Approaches to Crisis Time Management

To get ahead in your career, deliver your projects successfully, and to get a promotion or a pay rise, you must learn to consistently focus on the activities that add the most benefit to your projects and your clients. The better you are at maintaining focus and managing your time, the more you will achieve, and the easier it will be for you to leave the office on time. Not only do effective time management skills allow you to get better results at work, but they also help you withstand stress and live a more fulfilling life outside of work.


The better you are at maintaining focus and managing your time, the more you will achieve, and the easier it will be for you to learn the importance of crisis time management.

To get ahead in your career, deliver your projects successfully, and to get a promotion or a pay rise, you must learn to consistently focus on the activities that add the most benefit to your projects and your clients. 

Not only do effective time management skills allow you to get better results at work, but they also help you withstand stress and do better Crisis planning. Time management means working efficiently, and employers in every industry look for staff that can make optimal use of the time available to them on the job and build a better career ahead and can get the best paying job.


The following strategies will help you get the right things done in less time.

1. Start your day with a clear focus.

The first work-related activity of your day should be to determine what you want to achieve that day and what you absolutely must accomplish. Come clear on this purpose before you check your email and start responding to queries and resolve issues. Setting a clear focus for your day might require as little as five minutes, but can save you several hours of wasted time and effort.

2. Have a dynamic task list.

Capture the tasks and activities you must do on a list and update it regularly during the day. Revisit this list frequently and add new items as soon as they appear. Make sure your list gives you a quick overview of everything that’s urgent and important, and remember to include strategic and relationship-building activities as well as operational tasks. Not making a list of targets or work is one of the reasons behind lack of skilled labor in India since people don’t know how to manage their time and skills accordingly and are left with no time to grill their skills.

3. Focus on high-value activities.

Before you start something new, identify the activity that would have the most positive effect on your project, your team, and your client if you were to deal with it right now. Resist the temptation to clear smaller, unimportant items first. Start with what is most important.

  • To help you assess which activities to focus on first, ask the following:

  • What does my client or my team need most from me right now?

  • What will cause the most trouble if it doesn’t get done?

  • What is the biggest contribution I can make right now?

  • Which strategic tasks do I need to deal with today to help us work smarter tomorrow?

4. Minimize interruptions.

The more uninterrupted you get during the day on important tasks, the more effective you’ll be. Identify the activities that tend to disrupt you, and find a solution. Basically, one of the most essential time management skills is to not get distracted. For example, avoid checking emails and answering the phone when you’re in the middle of something important. Once you have broken your flow, it can be difficult to reestablish it. Instead, discipline yourself to work on a task single-mindedly until it’s complete.

5. Stop procrastinating.

If you have difficulties staying focused or tend to procrastinate, you may benefit from creating an external commitment for (deadline) yourself. For instance, schedule a meeting in two days’ where you’ll be presenting your work and by which point your actions will have to be completed. It’s also very effective to complete the most unpleasant tasks early in the day and to allow yourself small rewards once you’ve completed them.

6. Limit multi-tasking.

Many of us multi-task and believe we’re effective when we do so, but evidence suggests that we can’t effectively focus on more than one thing at a time. In order to stop multitasking, try these tips: Plan your day in blocks and set the specific dates aside for meetings, returning calls, and doing detailed planning and analysis work at your desk. Whenever you find yourself multitasking, stop, and sit quietly for a minute.

7. Review your day.

Spend 5-10 minutes reviewing your task list every day before you leave the office. Give yourself a pat on the back if you achieved what you wanted. If you think your effort fell short, decide what you’ll do differently tomorrow in order to accomplish what you need to. Leave the office in high spirits determined to pick up the thread for the next 24 hours.

Give these essential time management skills a concerted effort, and you’ll find your days and projects running much more smoothly!


Time is one of the most valuable resources we possess, yet many people fail to use it wisely. Often, this stems from not recognizing the importance of effective time management and how it can improve the performance of almost every job available today. To help demonstrate the value of properly managing your plan at work, here are three reasons why it is so important to every job under the sun.



Time Management Facts and Figures

During the last twenty years, after making over 2,000 presentations around the world, I have gathered some interesting facts and figures about Effective Time Management and Personal Productivity for your use and enjoyment.

  1. There will be 2.2 million deaths in this country this year. 75% are from causes that are largely preventable.

  2. There will be 2 million marriages in this country this year and 1 million divorces.

  3. 95% of divorces are caused by a “lack of communication”

  4. The average working person spends less than 2 minutes per day in meaningful communication with their spouse or “significant other”.

  5. The average working person spends less than 30 seconds a day in meaningful communication with their children.

  6. 80% of employees do not want to go to work on Monday morning. By Friday, the rate only drops to 60%.

  7. The average person uses 13 different methods to control and manage their time.

  8. The average person gets 1 interruption every 8 minutes, or approximately 7 an hour, or 50–60 per day. The average interruption takes 5 minutes, totaling about 4 hours or 50% of the average workday. 80% of those interruptions are typically rated as “little value” or “no value” creating approximately 3 hours of wasted time per day.


3 Reasons Why Time Management is so Important to Every Job


1) Time is a Limited Resource


  • The biggest reason effective planning is critical to work is that it is essentially in limited supply. No matter what you do, there will only be 24 hours in a day.

  • Whether you report on a set schedule or have to stay on the job until all of your tasks are complete, understanding that your available hour is finite can help you understand its value.

  • By making it a priority, you can accomplish more in a shorter period. This can mean a higher level of productivity for those on set schedules or the ability to spend fewer hours at work for individuals who have to stay until their duties are complete. Either way, you benefit.


2) You’ll Think More Clearly


  • Whether you are trying to focus on a detail-oriented task, attempting to make a decision on a complex matter, or trying to prioritize your task, using effective planning can actually make all of these duties easier to manage.

  • When we feel pressed, our stress levels generally go up, making it harder to think clearly and make wise decisions. 

  • In contrast, when we are in control of our day, stress levels tend to decrease, making it easier to find solutions and focus on the job at hand.


3) Have Time for New Endeavors


  • Prioritization of tasks can do more than help you complete your current duties more efficiently; it also gives you more pace to learn new skills while on the job.

  • Often, individuals who show initiative and a willingness to cover new territory gain access to more opportunities for advancement. 

  • Plus, acquiring new skills can help you move your career forward regardless of whether you stay with your current company or examine other options.

  • Improving your time management skills doesn’t have to be difficult, with the precise implementation of prioritizing the task can help you build WorkPlace Relationships.

  • You can begin by outlining your current job goals and creating to-do lists that help you track the individual steps required to meet these aims. 

  • Then, prioritize your tasks based on how critical the final result is and how urgently it is needed. After a while, organizing your plan will become second nature, and you will get to reap the benefits associated with managing it wisely.
    You can also use resources like the Eisenhower box to categorize your tasks.

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